The Alumni Collective celebrates the field of alumni relations as a vital discipline within the advancement ecosystem.  It supports and honors the professionals dedicated to this work and the institutions committed to deliberate and inclusive engagement of their alumni constituency.  It recognizes that philanthropy is foundational and that it comes in many forms, including the gift of time bestowed by volunteer cohorts.  The Alumni Collective seeks to amplify best practice, build community and create connections within the profession, and among the people, it serves. 

Brooks Foehl

Founder, The Alumni Collective

Brooks’ roots in relationship-based education administration work were planted in the secondary school world doing admissions for two boarding school communities, George School (1993–1998) and Millbrook School (1998–2001).  An opportunity to return to his alma mater, Williams College, presented itself and Brooks transitioned to higher ed. advancement work in 2001.  With two years of annual fund experience under his belt, Brooks found his professional calling in Williams’ Alumni Relations Office.  After five years of regional and reunion/class-based engagement experience, Brooks was honored to be named Director of Alumni Relations in 2008 and spent the next sixteen years stewarding one of the most loyal, discerning and engaged alumni communities in the world. 

Brooks is most proud of the Alumni Relations team he led and managed and the work they collectively accomplished together in service to Williams and its alumni.  Evolution in thought, practice and offering was a central theme during his tenure as the most significant shift in alumni demographics in the college’s history continued apace and engagement metrics came to the fore.  Williams was on the leading edge of modeling engagement scores and the first institution to include an engagement goal (85%) alongside a monetary goal ($650M) in its Teach It Forward Campaign (2013-2019), exceeding both.

Almost all engagement initiatives were undertaken in partnership with alumni volunteers and Williams' culture of volunteerism continued to grow and flourish under Brooks’ leadership.  He had the privilege of managing the Executive Committee of the Society of Alumni, Williams’ alumni board, furthering each member’s relationship with Williams through their service as volunteer leaders. The power of alumni volunteerism as a form of engagement was leveraged in full as Williams’ Society of Alumni celebrated its Bicentennial in 2021.  The five year long, pandemic-influenced journey from planning through execution sought to ensure that all alumni experiences and perspectives were seen, heard and valued in that milestone moment and beyond.

Founding the Alumni Collective is a logical next chapter for Brooks, a servant leader, alumni relations subject expert and strategic communicator.  He looks forward to speaking with you about the goals and aspirations of your alumni community and supporting your efforts to achieve them.